War In The Ukraine 1914 - 1924 - Major John Cotterill
11 Oct

John is well known to branch members and has kindly agreed to deliver his talk on 'War in the Ukraine 1914 - 1924'. Ukraine, of course, remains in the news today, but John's talk will look at Ukraine involvement in the Great War, when it was in the front lines of two of the main combatants, Imperial Russia and Austria-Hungary, and then it complicated post war history which included revolution, creation of a Ukrainian Republic, war with the Bolsheviks, invasion by Poland and finally absorption into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
We don't often look at the war in the east, and I am sure that this will be an entertaining change from looking at the war in the west.

St Peters Rooms, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6HD
11 Oct 2024 19:30