06 Mar
Peter Hart will be giving a talk on trench warfare.
We ask people to arrive by 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.
Peter became an oral historian at the Sound Archive of Imperial War Museum in London in 1981.
He has written mainly on British participation in the First World War. His books include: The Somme, Jutland 1916; Bloody April on the air war in 1917, Passchendaele, Aces Falling (on the air war in 1918); 1918 A Very British Victory and Gallipoli.
He is a regular contributor to Britain at War magazine and has been attending branches to give talks for over twenty years.
Alnwick Working Men’s Club, 21-23 Clayport St, Alnwick NE66 1LA
06 Mar 2023 19:15