In August 1914, more than 8,000 men of the British Expeditionary Force found themselves cut-off behind enemy lines in Belgium and France. This is the story of some of those men and of the civilians who helped them to maintain life and liberty. Both the best and worst of man and womenkind are evident. It is a tale of endurance, ingenuity, courage, murder, revenge, and sex!
The image dates from July 1915, it depicts résistants Ada Bodart and her children. The 'guests' are French soldiers, Belgians, and a Briton.
Tony has been a member of the branch committee and a regular and very popular speaker for many years. His book, Crossing No Man’s Land: Experience and Learning with the Northumberland Fusiliers in the Great War was published in 2016.
The meeting will take place at our usual venue, The Allotment Social Club, West Allotments, and will commence at 7.45 pm for an 8.00 pm start.
Please note: Entrance to the meeting is by donation of £5, there will be a raffle, and we no longer provide a buffet.