How the 10th Cruiser Squadron won the War by Graham Kemp
10 Jun

The Allied Blockade 1914-19 is how the Allies defeated Germany by siege warfare rather than by feat of arms. The ultimate weapon in this was - as Beatty recognised – the 10th Cruiser Squadron.

In this presentation, by Graham Kemp, we will learn how, by the time of the Armistice, the German nation was falling apart and central Europe was facing the worst famine since the 17th century. Then came the worst atrocity committed by the allies in the war; it was quietly overlooked in official histories that followed.

Members and non-members of The Western Front Association are equally welcome. Any new visitors are guaranteed a friendly atmosphere and a warm welcome from a group of like-minded enthusiasts. 


Manor Academy, Millfield Lane, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6PA
10 Jun 2023 14:30