The 21st Division on the Somme: a talk by Derek Clayton
07 Mar

The 21st Division took part in three phases of the Battle of the Somme. They attacked just north of the village of Fricourt on 1 July, capturing and holding the day's objectives. They then assaulted the Bazentin Ridge on 14 July before assisting in the capture of Gueudecourt in September. These three ultimately successful engagements did much to restore their reputation after the debacle at Loos the previous autumn.

Above: The 21st Division sign, used in the Great War.

Refreshments are served after the talk, which enables visitors to prepare for the question and answer session, which are always interesting and draw out further details from the presentation.

Members and non-members of The Western Front Association are equally welcome. Any new visitors are guaranteed a friendly atmosphere and a warm welcome from a group of like-minded enthusiasts.

Manor Academy, Millfield Lane, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6PA
07 Mar 2020 14:30