The presentation will be live and online.
By November 1918 the Royal Air Force had become an important component in the Allies victory over Germany, with a number of well-defined operational roles.
This talk by Alan Wakefield of the Imperial War Museum will attempt to tell how the RAF achieved this through focusing on ten key aircraft that defined the RFC/RAF air war over the Western Front and its future as an independent armed service after 1918.
Above: The Fokker M.5K/MG "E.5/15" Eindecker. The Fokker was the first service aircraft to be fitted with a machine gun timed to fire through the arc of the propeller without striking the blades.
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It is also possible to register by clicking this link: Britain's Air War Over France and Flanders.
The talk will be undertaken using the 'Zoom' software which is freely available. It may not be necessary to load the software to your PC / iPad etc: but we would recommend doing so if you wish to participate in this event.