Trench Lines February 2020
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- Trench Lines February 2020
February Trench Lines has just been sent out.
This is our eNewsletter. We share one or two top stories, a choice article from the Stand To! archive or from Bulletin and a book review or two. You may have missed any of these items over the last few weeks (we share them to Facebook and Twitter).
Some 40 or more items are added to the website every month.
Trench Lines will now be coming out every month.
One of the most popular items this month was this interactive map of The Western Front Association Branches in the UK & Ireland
Zoom in on the region that interests you, click on the 'Pin' and this will take you to that branch's homepage which will tell you something about the branch, the welcome you will receive and the speaker and other events are coming up.
Who is not fascinated by a 'Then and After' ?
The first series of these 'Twenty Years After: the battle fields of 1914-18' compared the years 1914-1918 to 1938. We have our own version, now up to 99 editions, 'The Camera Returns' has proved to be the most enduring of regular features in Stand To! Bob Grundy and Steve Wall have been comparing a scene of the First World War with a current picture, three times a year, since the summer of 1987. These days you can visit some of the spots yourself with a virtual trip to the Western Front courtesy of Google Street View.
Here is the one we shared in the latest issue of Trench Lines. Members can browse all of these in the Stand To! archive via their Member Login.
Subscribers to Trench Lines also loved one of several recent videos we added to The Western Front Association YouTube Channel.
Subscribe and you'll not miss one. We are now recording more speaker events and are looking forward to streaming these live as well.
And rather as we'd hoped, there was a lot of interest in the details of the AGM and Spring Conference coming up on 25 April in Leeds.
From time to time there will be additional Trench Lines Specials too. These might be to share the latest on Pension Records or the recently launched Project Alias (you can still sign up) or to launch a new WFA branded product (watch this space for an announcement very soon) as well as our wonderful annual our WFA Calendar (we still have a few!).
To Subscribe to Trench Lines (please do) just scroll down to the bottom of the Home Page to where it says Newsletter Sign Up, add your details and Submit.
See you in a few weeks time.
Do, if you have stories or events to share get in touch with me, Jonathan Vernon. Email:
Every day we feature someone who served during the First World War. Most of those featured were killed in action or died of their wounds, or an illness whilst on active service but we also share the stories of those who survived. Perhaps this is your grandfather or great-uncle, or great-great aunt?