March Trench Lines provided the then latest regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and notified members of that all national and branch events would be either postponed or cancelled, at least until May. The current thinking is that such cancellations are likely to endure through to the summer.
Please be advised and check with organisers before attending any event, especially as in all likelihood it will have been either cancelled or postponed.

Following an idea by DPhil student Kathryn White to ask on Twitter which three books we'd recommend to someone with a new interest in the First World War, from 125 titles offered, the four above came out on top. Each of the top 12 are being shared each day on Twitter.
Follow us on Twitter. Here are our WWI Book Reviews. While there are over 2,000 in the Stand To! Archive.

Dr Tom Thorpe has now produced his 150th Podcast 'Mentioned in Despatches'. To mark the occasion he interviewed The Western Front Association's Patron, Professor Sir Hew Strachan.
The latest video came from Andy Prada talking about the Engineering of the Loos Salient.

And we promoted our latest branded giftware, a Welsh slate coaster.