Search results for 10th (Irish) Division.

ONLINE : 10th (Irish) Division in Salonika


'Better Than No War At All' - 10th (Irish) Division in the Salonika Campaign 1915-1917 By Alan Wakefield  This talk looks at the Salonika Campaign as experienced by 10th (Irish) Division from the Allies initial landing in Greece during October 1915, through the winter fighting at Kosturino, construction of the Birdcage defence line and operation...

Albert Perkins - Who Do We Think He Is?


Many members of The Western Front Association will no doubt enjoy watching the BBC’s long-running series ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ (WDYTYA) which is now into its 19th series. The research undertaken to unearth the stories of those relatives of the celebrities who served in the Great War is an obvious point of interest for WFA members. Probably...

“The Island of Ireland Peace Park” by Carole Hope


“The Island of Ireland Peace Park” by Carole Hope The Island of Ireland Peace Park near Messines includes an Irish round tower and numerous memorials which commemorate the soldiers from all parts of Ireland.  The park was formally opened by the Irish President Mary McAleese who, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom and King...