Search results for 1st July.

Lochnagar Walkway Appeal


For many battlefield tourists over the years, one of the 'must visit' places on the Somme is the Lochnagar Crater at La Boisselle. For generations of visitors this has been a site of historical importance, reflection and also an excellent place to view the 1 July battlefield from the German perspective.  But it could have been different had the...

Hawthorn Ridge Crater Commemoration - 1st July 2024


One of the most iconic sequences of film footage from the First World War is undoubtedly Geoffrey Malin's capture of the Hawthorn Redoubt Mine being detonated at 7.20am on 1st July 1916 and the subsequent failure of the attack made by the 29th Division in the Beaumont Hamel area. The annual commemoration ceremony organised by the Hawthorn Ridge...