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Search results for 46th (North Midland) Division.
Commemorating the Capture of Riqueval Bridge : 29 & 30 September
There will be a service to rededicate The Western Front Association Plaque commemorating the capture of Riqueval Bridge by the 46th (North Midland) Division on Saturday 29 September at 4.00pm. There are further commemoration events to the British, American and Australian soldiers on Sunday as well as events relating to the First World War...
'The Attack on the Hohenzollern Redoubt by the 46th (North Midlands) Division 13 October 1915 by Dr Michael Woods
We start the year off in the thick of the fighting at the Battle of Loos. This talk is from Dr Woods MA dissertation on the subject and is featured in Helion's book 'Courage without Glory' chapter 15. Dr Woods has recently relocated to the North West from the Midlands and this will be his first visit to the branch and hopefully not the last. Im...