Search results for Alexandria.

The Zion Muleteers of Gallipoli


[This article was first published in Gun Fire No. 50. All of these magazines are now available to WFA members' via the Member Login. Joining the Western Front Association gives you access not only to the 59 editions of Gun Fire but also to all 110+ issues of the WFA's in house journal Stand To!] The Zion Muleteers of Gallipoli by Martin Sugarma...

Cecil Patrick Healy: the only Australian Olympic Gold medalist to die in war KIA 29 August 1918.


Cecil Patrick Healy - the only Australian Olympic Gold medalist to die in war – was a prominent figure in the swimming world in Australia and beyond, for more than 15 years. An early proponent of the new crawl stroke and the side breathing technique, he contributed articles to the press about swimming and surf-bathing. Above: Cecil Healy pictur...