Search results for American Civil War.

'The Western Front. A Plea for Understanding' by John Terraine


John Terraine’s 1983 Address to the Western Front Association. 1984 [This article first appeared in the journal of the Western Front Association, Stand To! No.10 Spring 1984 pp24-27. John Terraine was the first President of The Western Front Association, founded by John Giles in 1980. For much of 1984, John Giles had been unwell which explains t...

Mons 1914 by John Terraine


Mons 1914 (Lecture given to The Western Front Association in 1990 by the then Honorary President John Terraine) I didn’t have much choice about the title of  my first book, Mons, the Retreat to Victory, which came out thirty years ago, in 1960. Messrs B. T. Batsford were publishing a series overall title of Great British Battles. It was a good s...

Ep. 133 – African American Servicemen during WW1 – Dr Amanda Nagel


Amanda Nagel PhD, Assistant Professor of Military History at the School of Advanced Military Studies, US Army Command and General Staff College, talks about African-American Servicemen during the Great War.   Your browser does not support the audio element....

John Terraine : The Smoke and the Fire: Myths and Anti–Myths of War 1861–1945


(London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1980) A reappraisal by Gary Sheffield [This article first appeared in the April 2021 edition of Stand To! No. 122 pp 51-52. Members received Stand To! four times a year, and Bulletin three times a year either digitally or in print.] Of all John Terraine’s many books, The Smoke and the Fire is my favourite. It is no...

Stereography in the Great War (in three parts) Part I


PART ONE  Stereography in the Great War Part I: Paper card manufacturers by Ian Ference [This article first appeared in Stand To! (122 April 2021 pp. 36-41) Stereography, which for the purposes of this three–part article series can be easily understood as ‘the depiction of objects in 3D on flat surfaces’, existed before photography did. As soon...