Search results for Andrea McKenzie.

SPECIAL OFFER: 'Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front: A comparison' edited by Michael LoCicero with contributions from Gary Sheffield, Stephen Chambers and others.


Announcing the launch of the Western Front Association / Helion publication: Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison The year 1915 saw the BEF severely challenged on the Western Front. Recovering from the loss of the majority of experienced regulars in 1914, a largely new army had to come to terms with t...

Ep. 76 – Canadian Nurses’ Great War narratives – Andrea McKenzie


Dr. Andrea McKenzie, Associate Professor at York University, Toronto, Canada, talks about her research into Canadian nurses’ war narratives of the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element.

ONLINE: Canadian Nurses on the Western Front: From Passchendaele to Peace with Andrea McKenzie


The presentation will be live and online. At 3:50 a.m. on 31 July 1917, the Allies attacked across an eleven mile front in the Ypres sector, the beginning of the Third Battle of Ypres. On 1 August nurses and other medical staff at Canadian Casualty Clearing Station No. 2 battled to care for the more than 2,000 wounded soldiers who swamped the 30...