Search results for Battle Cruisers.

Light Battle Crisers and The Second Battle of Heligoland Bight: Lord Fisher's Oddities


By Hugh Harkins Centurion, soft covers, £10.95, 72 pages  ISBN: 10: 1903630525, 13: 978-1903630525 Book Review by Niall Ferguson This slim volume covers the Repulse, Renown, Courageous, Glorious and Furious during their service in The Great War (the last not entering service until after the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight, as a quasi-aircraft...

War Books by David Filsell 2005


War Books: A reflection on some contemporary views by David J. Filsell, for Stand To! No.74 September 2005 'Frightened of War Books'  Although many books published in Britain during the Great War were propagandist, interest in 'war stories' remained at an extremely high level between 1914 and 1918. Only when the conflict ended did interest decli...