Search results for Battle of the Frontiers.

The Verdun Regiment. Into the Furnace: The 151st Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Verdun 1916


By Johnathan Bracken Pen & Sword, £25.00, 269pp, hb, 30 ills, maps, notes, refs, bibliog and index. ISBN: 978–152–671–029–1 The author is the president of a living history organisation dedicated to the French 151st Infantry whose home garrison was Verdun. Diverted from its annual summer manoeuvres several days before war was declared, the 15...

6 July 1916 : Urbain Pierre Rieucau


Urbain was a farmer before the war.  Having completed his compulsory military service at Rodez in 1911, Urbain was immediately recalled upon the declaration of war and was in action at the Battle of Morhange in August 1914 - Morhange being an area of France annexed by the Germans in 1871. The remainder of the year saw Urbain in action on the...

'Lost Opportunity: The Battle of the Ardennes 22nd August 1914' a talk by Dr Simon House


On 22 August 1914, the nineteenth day of what was to be a four year war, 27,000 French soldiers were killed - killed not ‘Killed, wounded, missing’ - on the Western Front in a series of encounter battles which were generically called ’The Battles of the Frontiers”. This level of casualties dwarfs the 16,000 British soldiers killed on the first d...