Search results for Battlecruisers.

CSI Battlecruiser by Alan Leakey – CHANGE OF PRESENTATION


CSI Battlecruiser  by Alan Leakey – CHANGE OF PRESENTATION Unfortunately, our scheduled presenter, Bruce Cherry is unable to give his presentation entitled Jig-a-Jig, Tommy? at our June meeting due to family illness. We will undoubtably rearrange this for a future date In his place Alan Leakey will present CSI Battlecruiser. The story of the liv...

The Fog of (naval) war: Jutland, 1916 by Dr Scott Lindgren


The Fog of (naval) War: Jutland, 1916 by Dr Scott Lindgren The Battle of Jutland, 1916, was the only time the British Grand Fleet under Sir John Jellicoe, and the German High Sea Fleet under Reinhard Scheer would meet in battle. The largest purely naval engagement of the conflict, it is also one of the most controversial battles in naval history...

'C.S.I. Battlecruisers and the causes of losses at the Battle of Jutland' with Alan Leaky


We welcome Surrey Chairman Alan Leaky to our branch. Alan will be speaking about C.S.I. Battlecruisers and the causes of losses at the Battle of Jutland. Another untold chapter of the First World War.