Search results for Battlefield Pilgrims.

A talk by Professor Mark Connelly 'The game of ghosts: visiting the battlefields of the Western Front, 1919-1939'


Mark Connelly is Professor of Modern British History at the University of Kent. His main research interests are the memory of war, the image of the armed forces in popular culture and aspects of operational military history. During the centenary he was director of the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded, ‘Gateways to the First World War...

Jeremy Gorden-Smith: ‘Ypres – ruin to restoration’


The speaker, Jeremy Gorden-Smith, will be giving us a visual tour of post-war Ypres using photographs taken by Corporal Ivan Bawtree, showing the town's reconstruction and influx of battlefield tourists and pilgrims. Aside from his Army work photographing war graves, Ivan took many photographs of towns devastated by war in France and Flanders....