Search results for Brian Bond.

Military Historian: My Part in the Birth and Development of War Studies 1966–2016 by Brian Bond


By Brian Bond Helion, £19.95, 152pp, hb, ills. ISBN: 978–191–239–040–3  Brian Bond is one of the most significant British military historians of the last 50 years. Specialising in the period 1914 to 1945, he has a string of important books to his credit: Liddell Hart – A Study of his Military Thought, (1972); British Military Policy between the...

The Great War 1914- 1918 by Ian F.W.Becket


Modern Wars in Perspective Series Longman, 2001, pb, 508pp, maps, £16.99. ISBN 0 582 32248 0. There have been some important works on the Great War published recently; the first volume of the new history by Hew Strachan is reviewed elsewhere in this issue, and we have a new contribution of great merit from Gary Sheffield. Ian Becket is a great m...