Search results for Chaplain.

3 December 1918: The Rev William David Abbott.


Parents the Rev. David Wyley Abbot, Vicar of Cardlington, co. Salop, and mother Mary Ann.  He was educated at Christ College, Brecon and ordained 'Clerk in Holy Orders' in 1909 and was subsequently appointed Organizing Secretary for the S.P.C.K. William married Ruby Williamson at Trinity Church, Boston 7 October 1909 and had two sons Kenneth D...

Frontline or Field ambulance? Where were Chaplains best placed to help?


On 25th April 1915 Father William Joseph Finn became the first British military chaplain to be killed in action in the First World War. His death ignited a debate that continues to resonate with chaplains who serve the Armed Forces in the present day – where are they best placed to help?   Above: Father William Finn and the cemetery at V Beach a...

'Robert Keable, Utterly Immoral WW1 Chaplain?' - Simon Keable Elliott


This talk is about a WW1 Chaplain, related to our speaker, who was a pre-war missionary in Africa, and who was closely involved with the formation of the South African Native Labour Corps. This talk tells their story, and Robert’s, in Europe during the War. The story will also move post war period when Robert wrote a best-selling war-related boo...