Search results for Charity.

New WFA Chairman announced


The Western Front Association has appointed a new chairman to lead the association. Tony Bolton who has been a member of The Western Front Association for over thirty years and attended the Yorkshire Branch until 1997. Tony is Chairman of the Chesterfield Branch. He took the MA in British History and the First World War at the University of Bir...

The Arras and Loos Trenches at Blackpool


One of the lesser-known legacies of the First World War is the impact it had on charity – it is estimated that the number of charitable concerns in Britain doubled during the conflict, resulting in stiff competition for funds and a need for greater professionalism across the sector. Many new and enduring ideas were born (including the concept of...

'The British League of Help' with Dudley Giles


Dudley Giles will be giving at talk on The British League of Help.  The British League of Help was formed in 1920 as a charitable body with a single purpose: to provide aid to communities in the areas of northern France devastated during the Great War. It pursued its objective by encouraging British cities and towns to become a 'Godparent' to a...