Search results for Chief of Staff.

ONLINE: "The Bugger Signed" : Kitchener, Robertson and the Collapse of British Strategy in 1915


The presentation will be live and online.  The quote is from William Robertson, Chief of Staff to the BEF and the ‘bugger’ in question is Lord Kitchener. It is the early hours of 10 December 1915, in the Hotel Crillon in Paris and Kitchener has just signed over to Robertson all his powers as chief strategic advisor to the government and agreed...

Memoirs of the Great War: Complete and Unabridged, Volume I


Legacy Books Press, (2022) £20.95, 472 pp. maps, b/w photos and index ISBN 978–1–927537– 65–7 It would be difficult to think of a person more suited to command the French army in the first months of the Great War than Joseph Joffre. At a time when all about him were losing their heads, occasionally literally, Joffre kept his. His refusal to acce...

The Military Career of General Peyton C. March, United States Army, by Will Bryant


Peyton C March was a career US Army artillery officer who served in the Philippines, Mexico and in France during the Great War. After organising the artillery training regime for the US Army in France, and personally seeing the first brigade through the course, in 1918 he was selected by U.S. Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker to assume the offic...