Search results for Chris Pugsley.

SPECIAL OFFER: 'Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front: A comparison' edited by Michael LoCicero with contributions from Gary Sheffield, Stephen Chambers and others.


Announcing the launch of the Western Front Association / Helion publication: Two Sides of the Same Wrong Penny: Gallipoli and the Western Front, A Comparison The year 1915 saw the BEF severely challenged on the Western Front. Recovering from the loss of the majority of experienced regulars in 1914, a largely new army had to come to terms with t...

REMINDER: Up Coming WFA National and Regional Conferences


  Suffolk : 11 August 2018 Suffolk 5th Annual Centenary Conference '1918 The Winning Formula'   Speakers: Peter Simkins, Jack Sheldon and Peter Hart Panel Discussion chaired by Taff Gillingham VENUE: University of Suffolk in Ipswich Purchase Tickets > HERE         Wolverhampton : 6-8 September 2018 WFA/University of Wolverhampton   Centena...

Britain and Victory in the Great War (ed)


Edited Peter Liddle Pen & Sword, £25.00, 374pp, 74 b/w ills, 12 maps, notes, refs, bibliog and index. ISBN: 978–147–389–161–6 Peter Liddle, compiler and editor of this themed essay collection, uses a slightly provocative title to remind us that Britain fought in a coalition and was not always the senior partner. Ed Spiers’ introductory essay...