Search results for Churchill.

Relearning the Lessons. John Terraine’s 1984 WFA Address


Relearning the Lessons. John Terraine’s 1984 WFA Address (This article, a transcript of John Terraine's 1984 Address first appeared in Stand To! 1985 No.13  pp4-7) "Mr. Chairman, fellow-members of The Western Front Association: I hope you will forgive me if today - contrary to my usual practice - I strike a personal note in my address to you. B...

109 : June/July 2017 Special Edition


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Ep. 198 - Churchill and the Dardanelles - Prof. Chris Bell


Canadian historian Professor Christopher Bell, Professor of History at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, talks about his recent book Churchill and the Dardanelles examines the role Winston Churchill in the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign. Your browser does not support t...

War Books by David Filsell 2005


War Books: A reflection on some contemporary views by David J. Filsell, for Stand To! No.74 September 2005 'Frightened of War Books'  Although many books published in Britain during the Great War were propagandist, interest in 'war stories' remained at an extremely high level between 1914 and 1918. Only when the conflict ended did interest decli...

The Gallipoli Association Fifth Regional Conference in partnership with the Heart of England WFA


Conference Programme 9.15am Registration starts (Tea and Coffee on arrival)  10.00am Conference commences 12.30 Lunch (not provided)    4.00 pm Finish A display of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in Gallipoli will feature some rare photographs, documents, medals and other artefacts. Speakers: Stephen Chambers: 'Jack Tar: Churchill’s Little Ar...