Search results for David Bilton.

Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War).


  Reviewed by Timothy Heck. Allied POWs in German Hands, 1914-1918 is an engaging collection of short chapters and contemporary photographs of life as a prisoner of the Germans in the Great War from capture to the end of captivity. David Bilton, a Western Front Association member and a prolific writer of World War I histories, has collected a va...

Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War). (1)


  Bilton, David.  Pen and Sword. ISBN: 1473867010.   Allied POWs in German Hands, 1914-1918 is an engaging collection of short chapters and contemporary photographs of life as a prisoner of the Germans in the Great War from capture to the end of captivity. David Bilton, a Western Front Association member and a prolific writer of World War I hist...