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Search results for David Stevenson.
REMINDER: Up Coming WFA National and Regional Conferences
Suffolk : 11 August 2018 Suffolk 5th Annual Centenary Conference '1918 The Winning Formula' Speakers: Peter Simkins, Jack Sheldon and Peter Hart Panel Discussion chaired by Taff Gillingham VENUE: University of Suffolk in Ipswich Purchase Tickets > HERE Wolverhampton : 6-8 September 2018 WFA/University of Wolverhampton Centena...
1914-1918 The History of the First World War by David Stevenson
Allen Lane (Penguin Books), 2004, £25, 729pp, index, bibliography. 1914-1918 is the product of the author's success at collating a vast amount of evidence in order to provide 600 pages of compact information (references/bibliography and index creating more). Stevenson provides a political, diplomatic and social history of the war period and it...
With Our Backs to the Wall: Victory and defeat in 1918 by David Stevenson
Publisher: Allen Lane (2011) Hardcover: 688 pages, Glossary, index, maps, photographs ISBN: 978-0713998405 In With Our Backs to the Wall Professor David Stevenson sets out to explain why the First World War ended in 1918, how it ended and why the Allies outlasted their enemies. Employing rigorous scholarship, the reader is provided with...