Search results for Doug Kirby.

'From Finsbury to the Front Line' - a talk by Doug Kirby


We welcome Doug Kirby to our Hatfield Peverel venue to present his talk 'From Finsbury to the Front Line'. This talk is the culmination of several years' research into his great-uncle who served with the 12th Battalion of the London Regiment (The Rangers).  Whilst with them he was at Gommecourt on the 1st of July 1916.  Doug has advised that the...

'From Finsbury Park to the Front Line' with Doug Kirby


Doug Kirby's presentation is the culmination of research over a 7/8 year period into the experiences of his great uncle in the First World War. He fought for the 12th County of London Battalion - The Rangers. Two weeks after arriving in France he found himself at Gommecourt on 1st July 1916. The presentation, which lasts about an hour, includes...

September 2023 - Newsletter


Our branch September newsletter update: Hello, Well, Summer's over and it's time to get back to our regular meetings. September Meeting Paul Cobb will be speaking to us tomorrow (the 14th) on 'Indigenous Peoples of the Dominions 1914-1918' in which he will examine attitudes to the indigenous peoples of Canada, New Zealand and Australia as the Br...