Search results for East Yorkshire Regiment.

The Heroic Johnsman: The story of Jack Harrison VC


By Patrick H A Neal Enthusiasms are an itch that demand scratching. In Patrick J A Neal’s case the itch triggered a three year long search to detail the sporting career of a footballer, cricketer, swimmer, and professional rugby player, who earned both VC and MC with 11th battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. Like all who earned the bronze cross,...

8 May 1917: Pte Arthur Chatterton


Arthur was the son of Jabez, an agricultural labourer and Maria (née Brant) Chatteron. He was born into a family of boys: Arthur had four older brothers at the time of his birth. By the 1891 Census, although only 10 years and 9 months old, Arthur, like three of his older brothers, was working as a worsted spinner.  The family lived at 62 Brunsg...

27 August 1916 : L/Cpl. Frank Hall


Frank was the 7th of 9 surviving children of parents Charles (an engineer traveller) and Eliza Ann (née Fox) who died in April 1914. In 1911 the Halls lived in a 7 roomed dwelling - 103 King Street, Hoyland.  Frank went to Hoyland Grammar School until 14 and then Holgate Grammar School in Barnsley. He became a Pupil Teacher and went on to Shef...