Search results for Edwardian Britain.

An ‘Enthusiastic’ Response to War? British social responses to the outbreak of the First World War.


This is an MA Dissertation submitted to the University of Wolverhampton as part of their 'History of Britain and the First World War. It has been adapted slightly from the original for improved online reading, with links and illustrations added for greater enjoyment.  TITLE: An ‘enthusiastic’ response to War? British social responses to the outb...

'The Roles of Women in Britain 1914-1918' by David Carter


Ignored, patronised, stereotyped, exploited, unrecognised, unrewarded. These six words describe the pattern of attitudes towards women between 1914 and 1921. The clearly defined class and gender roles of Victorian and Edwardian Britain were hard to break down. Industry and commerce were male dominions but in 1914 the men were needed elsewhere. A...