Search results for Ernest Brooks.

Ernest Brooks and the photograph of The 'Forty Thieves'


With recent developments in technology, the colourisation of monochrome images from the Great War has come on in leaps and bounds. The obvious example is the film 'They Shall Not Grow Old' by Peter Jackson. Others have been doing similar work but obviously on a much smaller scale. One example of this is an excellent image of the famous photograp...

Hawthorn Ridge : a forensic investigation into the archaeology and history of Hawthorn Crater


A podcast from the team at the Hawthorn Ridge Crater Association  The Hawthorn Redoubt was an formidable defensive position for the Germans which was blown up on the morning of 1 July 1916 by a mine that had been placed beneath the German stronghold on the ridge. The explosion, ten minutes before the whistles blew at 7:30am, destroyed the posit...