Search results for Falklands.

Battle of the Falklands 1914


 “We landed to bury our dead.  The dignified memorial service in Port Stanley Cathedral, and the sight of four boy buglers of Invincible, with tears streaming down their cheeks, blowing the Last Post over the graves of their comrades, are imperishable memories.”  Thus wrote Lloyd Hirst who, as Assistant Paymaster in HMS Glasgow, was one of the...

Ep.261a – In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War – Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy


In this special podcast, Dr Tom Thorpe talks to historian and photographer Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy about the launch of his book In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. The two-v...

The Unknown Warrior by John Nichol


Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK (September 26, 2024) Length: 400 pages ISBN13: 9781398509443 ‘The Unknown Warrior’ by John Nichol has substance—literally and figuratively. You feel its quality the moment you have it in your hand, with its weighty presence, suede-like feel to the dust jacket, and the look and smell of high-quality print. This...

“HMS Broadsword and the Falklands War” by Charlie Threlfall and Christmas Social


“HMS Broadsword and the Falklands War” by Charlie Threlfall and Christmas Social The December meeting is the Surrey Branch Christmas Social Meeting.  A festive buffet will be provided. On this occasion we will not be providing tea or coffee but if you wish to bring other drinks (either alcoholic or non-alcoholic) of your choice then please do so...