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Search results for First World War authors.
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918 £84, Bloomsbury Academic, 272pp, 15 ills -in page -index notes and refs, bibliog. ISBN 978 1 4742 9149 1 Vincent Trot Yes. Publishers, Readers and the Great War, is an academic work. Its price is academic and unfriendly. No doubt, sales to bejewelled libraries of universit...
Robert Keable. Utterly Immoral WW1 chaplain?
Robert Keable. Utterly Immoral WW1 chaplain? When Robert Keable’s First World War novel Simon Called Peter was published, critics called it ‘offensive’, ‘a libel’ and reeking of ‘drink and lust’. Scott Fitzgerald suggested it was ‘utterly immoral’ and referenced it in The Great Gatsby. The novel became a huge international best-seller, a Broadwa...