Search results for Gavrilo Princip.

In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War from Sarajevo to Versailles VOL I  by Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy


It is an ambitious author and photographer who states that the aim of his book is to ‘help prevent the Third World War’, but from someone who is now Hungary’s Ambassador to France, I applaud his ambition that if we ‘understand the reasons and the consequences of the First World War’, we can understand the reasons and consequences of all war, let...

"The Law of Unintended Consequences: The road to Sarajevo" by Ross Beadle


A bizarre and unlikely chain of events almost totally beyond the control of the Great Powers led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. And had it happened ten or even five years earlier, the assassination would not have even mattered a jot. This talk examines the sequence of chance events of the preceding 36 years, an...

'Misfire: The Sarajevo Assassination and the Winding Road to World War 1' by Paul Miller-Melamed


Oxford University Press, 2022 £22.99 Hardback 194 pages, 32 images, 4 maps. ISBN 9780195331042. ​​It is sometimes said that ‘there is a reason for everything’ and for a world changing event as impactful and far–reaching as the First World War then the quest for a root cause takes on a particular urgency. Whilst the expansive histography on this...