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042: January 1995
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‘General Joffre’ The 1994 Presidential Address, delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine
[This article first appeared in Stand To! 42 January 1995 pp6-12] The more you study the Great War, the more you can see that it falls into two definite parts - so distinct that they might almost be different wars. The turning point is the end of 1916 and the beginning of 1917. The first part of the war was when the great armies - greater than a...
'Wully' Field Marshal Sir William Robertson Bart: GCB, KCVO, DSO (Part II)
(Lecture delivered by John Terraine at the Western Front Association's Annual Seminar at Abergavenny in June 1992) In August 1914 William Robertson crossed to France to meet the long-expected foe, together with the rest of the British Expeditionary Force, on the staff of the Commander in-Chief, Field-Marshal Sir John French, and in the post o...
12th President’s Conference : 1914 Revisited
The Western Front Association is pleased to announce the 12th President’s Conference. One hundred and ten years on from the commencement of hostilities, the theme of this year’s conference is '1914'. Doors open for registration at 9:15 am Prof Gary Sheffield: Two BEFs, two retreats: Mons 1914 and Dunkirk 1940 Compared The Mons (1914) and Dunkir...