Search results for German Schutztruppe.

Ivor Thord-Gray - Mercenary, Spy? Thief? … and CO 11th Northumberland Fusiliers


Ivor Thord-Gray was a man for whom war (to paraphrase Lord Reith) was ‘in his bones’.  A Swede, born Ivar Thord Hallström (the change in name being for reasons unknown) in Stockholm on 17 April 1878, he set out on a life that would have made good fiction if it were not actually true. After two years on merchant ships (1893-5), he landed in Cape...

The Empire Strikes Back: The Battles of Trekkopjes and Gibeon 1915 - James White


For most of the campaign in South West Africa the German Schutztruppe spent their time retreating but on two notable occasions they took to the offensive. With modern day battlefield photographs this is the tale of the two battles one of which saw Rolls-Royce armoured cars going into action. IMAGE: Four camel-mounted soldiers of the German “Schu...

The Empire strikes back – The battles of Trekkopjes & Gibeon 1915 - James White


For most of the campaign in South West Africa the German Schutztruppe spent their time retreating but on two notable occasions they took to the offensive. With modern day battlefield photographs this is the tale of the two battles one of which saw Rolls Royce armoured cars going in action.