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Search results for Great War Pension Records.
Release of Naval and Mercantile Marine Pension Records by Ancestry
Members of The Western Front Association will be delighted to learn that the first of a series of releases of the WFA's Pension Record Cards and Ledgers archive have been made available through Ancestry. The first two sets of records to be released account for about 0.1% of the records the WFA saved from destruction with a much larger release o...
'One Hell of a Row': A War widow's pension
Grandfather was killed 7 weeks before the end of the First World War. His immediate family, that is his wife and three sons, never knew how nor where. Neither did they know he was commemorated on Panel 5 of the Memorial Wall at Tyne Cot Cemetery. This we had from two of his sons, our Father and his brother, our Uncle Tom. Towards the end of...