Search results for High Command.

Germany 1917. The 1987 Presidential Address 'Germany 1917' delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine


Germany 1917. The 1987 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine   (This article first appeared in Stand To! 24 Winter 1988 pp 14 - 18)   It was Field Marshal von Hindenburg who said: 1916 spoke a language which made itself heard.' I think he was right: it is important to understand that language, because otherwise...

Futile Exercise? The British Army’s Preparations for War 1902–1914


By Simon Batten Helion, £35.00, 235pp, hb, 48 ills, 4 maps, notes and refs, bibliog, index. ISBN: 978–191–151–285–1 Based on wide ranging research of British Army manoeuvres conducted between 1904 and 1914, this superb book presents a convincing case – that the high command took a serious and close interest in the development, preparation and tr...

Not Quite Fitting the Mould: A Fresh Look At Some Brigade and Battalion Commanders on the Western Front 1916-1918 - Professor Peter Simkins


Always in the vanguard of revisionism, Peter Simkins has studied the developing effectiveness of the BEF from the mid-war offensives to the final battles of 1918. The delegation of tactical responsibility driven down the ranks from High Command to junior officers and beyond ultimately, with new technologies and methods, led to the successful war...