Search results for Jeremy Paxman.

Kitchener Wants You: the man, the poster and the legacy


By Martyn Thatcher and Anthony Quinn Uniform Press, 2016, £14.99p, 168pp ISBN-10:1910500364, ISBN-13:978-1910500361 This slim volume is as much about Kitchener as it is about Alfred Leete and the sociological history of how posters and the popular press sought to sway public opinion and recruitment into the armed forces before and during the Gr...

Understanding the Ledger Indexing


This article aims to set out some of the technical aspects of the indexing of - and subcategories that make up - the 'ledgers' in The Western Front Association's collection of Pension Record Cards. These ledgers have been scanned and digitised by our partner, and are available on their fold3 website. These are now available for W...

Was Lord Kitchener Gay?


Ever since the publication of the biography entitled ‘Kitchener: Portrait of an Imperialist’ by Philip Magnus in 1958 there have been repeated rumours about Lord Kitchener’s sexuality.[1] The article below by Jeremy Paxman was first published on his website ( in 2014. Footnotes and photos...