Search results for Kaiser Wilhelm II.

071: September 2004


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The Three Emperors: Three Cousins, Three Empires and the road to World War One by Miranda Carter


Penguin Books, 2010, £10.99 (2010 pricing) 498pp, soft covers; illustrated plus notes, bibliography and index. Also available as an eBook. ISBN 978-0-141-01998-7 Miranda Carter describes Wilhelm’s lack of lack of tact and diplomacy, that Nicholas II was weak, horrified when his hearty father Alexander III died unexpectedly (of Bright’s Disease)...

The British Route to War


Britain's entry into the Great War is far more complex than the reason for the country embarking on the Second World War. The following factors were mentioned by Sir Edward Grey (Foreign Secretary) in Parliament on the eve of war:[1] "Present Balkan Crisis" (ie assassination) Moroccan crisis Friendship with France Possible risk to (French) coas...

Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of War, 1914 - Michael S. Neiberg


336 pages Belknap Press Publication Date: 10/14/2013 ISBN 9780674725935 ‘Dance of the Furies’ by Michael S Neiberg is a definitive social history of Europe leading up to the outbreak of world war, its initial spasms and the first months of the conflict.  ‘Dance of the Furies’ is a comprehensive academic study into the lives of those who were liv...

Ep.253 – The Kaiser during the Great War – Prof Matt Fitzpatrick


Historian Professor Matt Fitzpatrick, Professor in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders University in Australia, talks about his research into the role of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio e...

ONLINE: 'Ludendorff Offensives (Mar-Jul 1918)' by Prof David Stevenson


Caption: (L-R) Hindenburgh, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Ludendorff in Avesnes, Northern France, March 1918. About this talk: this talk looks at the Ludendorff Offensives - also known as the Kaiser's Battle ('Kaiserschlacht'), or the German Spring Offensive - which took place from March to July 1918. Initially, it tested the Allies to their limits and...

'The Kaiser' by Sue Woolmans


'The Kaiser' by Sue Woolmans Kaiser Wilhelm’s mother was British, his grandmother was Queen Victoria, and he himself was a British Field Marshal and an Admiral of the Fleet. So how and why did he become this country's implacable enemy in World War 1? Sue will trace his life from his birth as the eldest grandchild of Queen Victoria to his final...