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Search results for Kaiserslacht.
A Voice from the Trenches 1914–18: From the Diaries and Sketches of Bernard Eyre Walker by Bernard Eyre Walker and edited by Sara Woodall
(Blackthorn Press, 2020), £18.00, paperback, 192 pages with illustrations ISBN 978–1–906–25958–7 Bernard Eyre Walker’s diary was lost – not recently, as it has been known to be in the Liddle Collection for many years – but during the great retreat caused by the Kaiserslacht. It was returned to him some years after the war ended as the German sol...
'Revisiting the Ludendorff Offensives, March - July 1918 by Professor David Stevenson'
Please note that there is no evening meeting in February. This meeting is a daytime meeting at at the same venue as November 2024; The Storey in Lancaster. 'Revisiting the Ludendorff Offensives, March - July 1918 by Professor David Stevenson' This talk by Professor Stevenson will re-examine the five offensives launched by the German army on the...