Search results for Lions.

British Bunglers and Butchers of World War One


Book review by Gary Sheffield. I should at once declare an interest. In July 1996 the BBC screened a Timewatch documentary on Douglas Haig. Dr. Laffin appeared as the main counsel for the prosecution, while I, along with several other historians, acted for the accused. Inevitably, the demands of television over-simplified the issues - I am by no...

British Military Leadership in the First World War by John Terraine


(This lecture was given by John Terraine , the then Honorary President of The Western Front Association in 1991. It was later published in a 'Leadership & War' and published by The Western Front Association in 1998).  This is a subject  subject which has been  steeped in misunderstanding,  prejudice and pure mythology for over seventy years...

A Short History of the First World War by Gary Sheffield


Oneworld Publications, soft covers, 2014, £8.99. 256pp ISBN: 9–781–780–743–646  Writing a book to cover the first truly global conflict in a concise and meaningful way might seem daunting. Professor Sheffield is not the first to write a ‘short history’, nor will he be the last. He has managed to produce a very clear account of the war; from its...