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005: Summer 1982
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'Military Mining And The La Boiselle Project' with Colin Winn
Join us for a fascinating talk on Military Mining and the La Boiselle Project by Colin Winn Colin Winn is a retired weapons engineer specialising in the underground conflict. He is a founder member of the Hawthorn Ridge Crater Association and is interested in the work of the 252 Tunnelling Company in the sector. Colin will bring relevant arte...
Remembering 1st July 1916 : Hawthorn Ridge and Lochnagar Craters
To mark the anniversary of the 1 day of the Battle of the Somme 1916 watch a short film from the Lochnagar Crater Foundation and a podcast from the Hawthorn Crater Association. This special short film will be available to view at from 0728hrs (BST) on Wednesday July 1st. This is a fascinating podcas...
Lochnagar Walkway Appeal
For many battlefield tourists over the years, one of the 'must visit' places on the Somme is the Lochnagar Crater at La Boisselle. For generations of visitors this has been a site of historical importance, reflection and also an excellent place to view the 1 July battlefield from the German perspective. But it could have been different had the...
Remembrance Ceremony at Lochnagar Crater - 1st July 2024
On 1st July 2024, the annual ceremony commemorating the opening of The Battle of the Somme will take place at Lochnagar Crater. Please take your place at the crater by 7.15am as the ceremony will start precisely at 7.28am. Attendees are invited to bring their own 'Metropolitan' whistles if they have one and also lay their own wreaths during the...
Lochnagar Remembrance Ceremony - 11th November 2023
The Friends of Lochnagar invites everyone to an Armistice Day remembrance Ceremony at Lochnagar Crater which will commence at 12.00 midday on 11th November 2023. Attendees should arrive at the Crater by 11.50am and if you have a whistle from the period, please bring it along. There will also be a Facebook Livestream from the Lochnagar Ceremony w...