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Search results for Lorraine.
21 August 1918 : Sgt Sebastian Mitterhofer, 7 Komp, Kgl Bay 10 Inf Regt ‘König'.
He was married with one child. At the outbreak of the war he was an office worker in Weisenberg, Bavaria. An active reservist, he therefore saw service from the very earliest days of the war. He was in action from August 1914 in Lorraine, then on the Meuse, at Verdun, the Somme, Arras, Third Ypres, Cambrai, Dixmude and Verdun (1918) to Augus...
18 November 1917 : Pvt Harry George Myers
Harry Myers was from Indiana, USA. He was a foster child who was raised on a farm at Uniontown, Perry County, Indiana. Harry enlisted into the US regular Army in 1916 and was trained at Columbus Barracks, Ohio before seeing action on the Mexican Border. He was sent overseas with the American Expeditionary Force in June 1917. He was killed in...
ONLINE : Branch Zoom Meeting 19/09/20
Email WFA Branch ZOOM Saturday 19th September Location : Zoom Online : Meeting ID: 857 1386 5706 : Passcode: 968771 Welcome and Introduction to Zoom meetings JD “remembrance” . A local Soldier remembered....