Search results for Lost Battalion.

071: September 2004


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Ep. 196 - Men of the AEF's 'Lost Battalion' - Dr Edward Lengel


Historian and writer Professor Edward G Lengel talks about his book Never in Finer Company: The Men of the Great War’s Lost Battalion that investigates the action in which men from four different infantry battalions of the 77th Division of the American Expeditionary Force, were isolated by German forces during American attack in the Argonne Fore...

Sons of Freedom: The forgotten American Soldiers who defeated Germany in World War One by Geofrey Wawro


Basic Books. £13.81 (on Amazon special at the time of the book’s review). HB 596 pp. 14 maps. Ills throughout. Bibliog: Notes. Index. ISBN: Currently not published in the UK. Available via online shops. £20 from Abebooks.  Professor Wawro is the director of the Centre for Military History at the University of North Texas and joint editor, with H...