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Search results for Meakin.
The 1/7th Royal Scots and the Quintinshill Rail Disaster : 22 May 1915
At the time of the First World War, Britain had a large number of railway companies each owning varying amounts of track and junctions. Often the point where companies’ tracks met became bottlenecks. One such junction was on the English-Scottish border at Gretna. To alleviate difficulties, a set of loops, sidings and signal boxes were constructe...
Herbert Percy Meakin
Capt. Herbert Percy Meakin, 3/Coldstream Guards, Attd Guards Trench Mortar Battery Killed in action 25 September 1916.No known Grave. Remembered on the Thiepval Memorial Memorial: A stone column beside the Ginchy to Lesboeufs Road, south of the Guards Cemetery. Location on Google Map Guardian: L'Office Culturel d'Albert. Herbert Percy Meakin wa...