Search results for Medical Treatment.

A Time to Die and a Time to Live  by Tom Scotland


A Disaster to Triumph: groundbreaking developments in care of the wounded on the western front 1914-18 by Tom Scotland Helion, £29.95pb 256pp., 90 ills, 8 maps, 25 tables, footnotes, bibliog, index.  ISBN: 978–191–162–874–3  [This review first appeared in Stand To ! No. 116] It appears there are few works on the topic of wartime medicine and its...

POSTPONED : A Time to Die and a Time to Live: Lives Lost and Saved in France and Flanders 1914-1918 by Tom Scotland


Initially scheduled for 23 April this event will now take place on 7 May.  Tom Scotland's talk will look at the advances in medical treatment that enable the soldier of 1918 a much better survival rate than those of the earlier war years. Tom Scotland is a retired orthopaedic surgeon with a long-time interest in the Great War. He has written a n...

'Insane - A Legacy of War' A presentation by Richard Crompton


Long standing branch member Richard brings to life a story relating to family and the affects of shell shock, its treatment and its affects on the lives of those suffering this illness and their families. Promises to be a most interesting, informative talk.