Search results for Mutinies.

With Snow on Their Boots. The Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France During World War I


Book Review by Christina Holstein. This is an exceedingly interesting book, which covers events whose details may not be well known to readers of Stand To! The author tells the story of how two Russian Brigades of approximately 22,000 men came to fight for the Allies in France (Champagne) in 1916-1917 - 'sold for shells' was the popular phrase u...

Ep. 117 – Post War Mutinies in the British Army – Dr William Butler


Dr William Butler, Outreach Officer and Associate Lecturer at the University of Kent, talks about the post-war mutinies in the British Army. This lecture was given as part of the Antrim and Down WFA branch’s spring conference on the Consequences of War held on the 9 May 2019....