Search results for Nivelle Offensive.

With Snow on Their Boots. The Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France During World War I


Book Review by Christina Holstein. This is an exceedingly interesting book, which covers events whose details may not be well known to readers of Stand To! The author tells the story of how two Russian Brigades of approximately 22,000 men came to fight for the Allies in France (Champagne) in 1916-1917 - 'sold for shells' was the popular phrase u...

'Verdun, August 1917 - The French hit back' by Christina Holstein


 Caption: Côte 304 Verdun, after recapture by French troops, 24th August 1917 About the Talk: Contrary to popular opinion, the French army did not cease offensive operations after the disastrous Nivelle Offensive of spring 1917 and the subsequent mutinies. Nor did the fighting at Verdun come to an end in 1916. In reality, the successful French c...

ONLINE: 'Breaking Point of the French Army: The Nivelle Offensive of 1917' with Dr David Murphy


The presentation will be live and online.  In early 1917, General Robert Nivelle emerged as the new commander of the French field armies. Against a backdrop of political squabbling, he prepared plans for a 'final offensive', assuring the French public that he had 'the formula' that would end the war in France's favour. The resulting offensi...