Search results for Other Ranks.

The Western Front Association preserves a major Great War archive of 6.5 million records


Introduction The Western Front Association (WFA) is delighted to announce that it has secured the safe storage and preservation of a major archive of over six million Great War soldiers' pension record cards. Some two years ago, the WFA learned that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was no longer able to retain and manage its archive of Great War so...

Unindexed Pension Cards. The 'Missing 22 drawers'


In recent days an issue has come to light that affects approximately 2 percent of the Pension Cards for 'soldiers died'. The following article is to advise WFA members what to look out for in terms of 'un-indexed' names and also provides details of a work-around that will enable cards to be located despite the issue that has been flagged. Ancest...

The Ministry of Pensions during and after the Great War


The Ministry of Pensions was a truly monolithic organisation, by the end of 1920 it had 19,121 staff, was paying 1,600,000 pensions, and spending more than £23,000,000 per year. Above: The Bromyard Avenue site in Acton that was the Ministry of Pensions offices (built in about 1921) seems now to be a residential complex.  What is often lost in t...

Other Ranks Survived: The Final Release of Pension Records


The final set of Pension Record Cards has just been published by our partners '' on their Fold3 platform. As with all the other cards and ledgers these are freely available for WFA members via the 'library edition' on the WFA's website.  The following article is intended to give an overview of this final set of 'Other Ranks Survive...