Search results for Premont.

The Armistice and Afterwards: Extracts from the Diaries of QMS Edgar Wignall RAMC


The Armistice and Afterwards: Extracts from the Diaries of QMS Edgar Wignall RAMC by Clive R Harrison (This article first appeared in Stand To! No.61 April 2001 pp25-30 - including a two page Appendix giving details of the medical and ambulance equipment carried by his unit). On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918...

Articles on Tanks in Stand To 1 to 116 (1981 to 2019)


There are no fewer than 25 articles on tanks featured in Stand To! A popular subject, it has been covered in many different ways, including by 'The Camera Returns' on three occasions and  more than one on 'War Art'. All of these articles can be readily found by Western Front Association Members through their Member Login with access to the Stand...

The Camera Returns No.56 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy


This item first appeared in Stand To! No. 74 September 2005 p.54. All these articles can be enjoyed by WFA Members using their Member Login and then browsing the entire Stand To! Archive of 116 publication.   Taken on a clear October morning in 1918, this fairly well-known photograph, IWM Q7111, [Top Image of Two] shows men of the 20th Bn, Ma...